Logitech-Keyboard-Folio-mini-4Logitech has just released new version of its Keyboard for iPad and IPad mini. Both models work as cover cases and use a design principle that is now pretty successful for iPad keyboards. The Logitech Keyboard Folio for iPad ($99.99) is designed to provide the largest key size that Logitech could come up with, and “high-quality” materials, says Logitech. We haven’t tested one yet, so we can’t vouch for it, but the key travel and the overall design look reasonable, so now it’s mostly about how the key membranes perform.

The Folio mini ($89.99) works on the exact same principle except that it is a smaller version. Obviously, the keys are smaller, buy for many people who want to do some serious typing, this remains the best option. The design looks quite sturdy, and now it’s up to you to decide if you want to increase your productivity to the expense of the thinness of your iPad, or go for the look and type in less comfortable conditions.

Let’s hope for Logitech that Apple does not go for a Microsoft Surface-like keyboard/stand design in the future because that would put a real dent on what seems like a nice accessory business. What do you think , and what’s your favorite iPad keyboard?

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