On January 26, it was deemed illegal for those in the U.S. to unlock their cellphones to be used on any wireless carrier they choose, which resulted in a White House petition to be created, receiving over 100,000 signatures, meaning we should be hearing an official response from them in the near future.
FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski caught wind of consumers’ outrage, and has voiced his concerns on the topic saying the “ban raises competition concerns” and “innovation concerns.” Genachowski assured the public his organization will look into whether it “can and should enable customers to use unlocked phones,” although he also says he doesn’t know exactly what kind of authority the FCC has on this topic.
We’re not entirely sure what the FCC could do to help the U.S. government retract its outlawing of unlocking cellphones, but we guess any bit could help at this point as they have yet to acknowledge how outraged the great majority of U.S. citizens have become over this ban.
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