Curiosity Mars Rover Hit By Computer Glitch Again

The Curiosity Mars Rover that hails from NASA is extremely far away from home, and it will see out the rest of its remaining days on the Red Planet, but it seems that all is not fine and dandy with this remotely controlled robot. Perhaps it is home-sick (it is a joke, people!), but another computer glitch has hit Curiosity, which would prevent it from resuming its science experiments. According to the mission’s chief scientist, Curiosity entered safe mode yet again throughout the entire weekend, no thanks to a computer file error.

In safe mode, all activities would remain on hold, although Curiosity would be able to maintain its contact with us citizens of planet Earth. Earlier this month, there was an issue with Curiosity’s computer memory, and the team behind Curiosity kept their fingers crossed that they could continue with more experiments on the Red Planet before being hit by the latest set of problems. Hopefully all on board the Curiosity will be able to be fixed sooner rather than later, so that everyone can move on in knowing whether the possible traces of water alone could end up aligned with a million other factors that pave the way to support a theory of life being possible so far away.

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