Riding a bicycle can be a freeing way to travel as you don’t have to worry about rising gas prices or finding a parking spot once you arrive at your destination as a tree and a lock can get the job done. One thing bicycle riders are always curious about when riding is just how fast they’re going, and if they will possibly go back in time at their current speed.

A video published earlier this month combines a speedometer, a small projector and a Raspberry Pi computer to give a cyclist his speed as he zips his way around town. As you can see in the video, the speed is projected onto the street directly in front of the bike. The creator, YouTube user Matt Richardson, plans to extend the speedometer feature of his device to toggle between a number of modes through buttons, probably equipped somewhere on the handlebars.

Richardson admits in the video he ran out of power for his projector, which has us thinking this invention is pretty cool, but if you ride your bike for the majority of your day, we could easily see this kind of thing dying on your relatively quickly.

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