Pssst! Are you thinking of a method to achieve a quick buck or two? It seems that malware developers are right now handing out up to $100 for ‘active’ Google Play accounts. Yes sir, virus writers are actually willing to fork out top dollar in order to gain access to ‘active’ Google Play accounts, which will in turn enable them to spread even more mobile malware throughout the rest of the Android ecosystem.
At this point in time, Google charges Android developers a cool $25 before they are able to sell their apps via the Google Play marketplace, and it seems that this system has been compromised in a sense, abused rather, as a bunch of cybercriminals are willing to pay up to $100 for a legit Google Play account. These are then used to offer malware, as it has been masked as legitimate apps, prior to the Trojanized packages being put for sale to unknowing folks. If you ever get such an offer, it would bode everyone well to refuse it, and inform the relevant authorities so that such activities can be clamped down.
Filed in Google Play.
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