Finding a Taxi in New York City isn’t that difficult of an experience if you know where Taxis usually travel and congregate. But for out-of-towners, it could be a confusing and frustrating experience, which makes mobile apps dedicated to hunting down Taxis even more important in major cities.
TomTom introduced a new taxi hailing service last September in Amsterdam that allowed travelers to call for a taxi from specific terminals. The idea was a good one, although finding a terminal while you’re head is spinning from binge drinking might be a challenge. That’s why TomTom is introducing an iPhone app that allows people to use its taxi hailing service right from their phone.
The TomTomTaxi application can call a taxi to your location, even informing you just how long it’ll take until you’re in the vehicle being whisked away to your destination. The application lets you learn about the drivers as well as ordering your favorite driver, which will probably leave unpleasant experiences to a minimum.
Unfortunately, it’s unknown if TomTom’s taxi hailing service would extend anywhere beyond the Netherlands, but if they do, know that this app will be your new best friend if you rely on personal transportation services on a regular basis.