We’re sure that many gamers were bummed when Rockstar revealed that Grand Theft Auto V would be delayed until September, ultimately missing its original Spring 2013 release date. The company did not really given an explanation as to why the game was delayed, thus leading many to cook up conspiracy theories and concoct wild speculation that the reason the September date was chosen was because it had to do with the possible release or announcements of next-gen consoles. Unfortunately if you love a good conspiracy, you might be disappointed that the reason is rather mundane and sort of expected.

According to Take Two, the company revealed that the reason GTA 5 was delayed was simply because of quality, and that extra time would be required if they were to release a game that would ultimately satisfy even the most ardent Grand Theft Auto fan. Take Two’s CEO Strauss Zelnick had this to say, “Look, Grand Theft Auto stands alone […] It’s a unique property. And I think we’re all extraordinarily excited about this title, and we think it’s just going to blow people away frankly at a level I don’t think anyone properly anticipates yet […] And the reason that the title is coming out in September is because that’s the time required to make sure it’s everything everyone expects and then some.” Seems fair, what do you guys think?

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