This week is a pretty big one for gamers around the world as Sony is expected to announce its PlayStation 4 on Wednesday, which we’ll be there live to give you as much information as humanly possible. Leading up to their big event, Sony has been teasing the upcoming unveiling of the PlayStation 4 by highlighting previous versions of the console in their “Evolution of PlayStation” video series.
As you would probably expect, there are three videos currently available highlighting one of the best-selling consoles of all time, the PlayStation, its follow-up console, the PlayStation 2, and the Blu-ray-heavy PlayStation 3. Each video clocks in at a little over two minutes and offer a great glimpse at not only what each PlayStation console has done for gaming, but the PlayStation brand as well.
Judging by these three videos released over the weekend, we think it’s safe to say Sony will be unveiling its PlayStation 4 this week. If not, then, as I said on my Twitter account, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.