The last action-packed trailer for BioShock Infinite was released a few weeks ago, and today, Irrational Games has released a brand-new gameplay trailer which is titled “Lamb of Columbia.”

The Lamb of Columbia trailer focuses on both Elizabeth and Booker as we learn more about the mysterious damsel in distress, which possibly makes her Booker’s biggest threat in Columbia. We catch a glimpse of Elizabeth’s dimension-bending powers, which continues to confuse the heck out of us as to what exactly is going on with her.

We also are given a hint that Elizabeth is some sort of test subject as she’s locked away in a chamber, although we’re sure Booker ends up freeing her from her prison at some point in the game.

If you’re looking for a trailer where Booker fights through Columbia using a number of weapons, special powers and agility, look elsewhere as the purpose of this trailer is to give another look into BioShock Infinite’s story.

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