We’ve heard of sleep walking, but sleep texting? That’s definitely something new, but given the popularity of texting these days, is it really that surprising? This phenomena was spotted by a nursing professor who discovered that teens are actually responding to text messages while fast asleep! Apparently how this works is that during their sleep, they will hear their phone beep and automatically respond to that notification by texting back a reply. Of course considering that they are sleeping while texting, the messages sent are typically gibberish and incomprehensible. However it has also been noted that sometimes these messages can get a bit inappropriate, where ex-girlfriends or boyfriends contact each other, telling them how much they missed them and how they want to see them, but when they wake up they have no memory of what happened! This is pretty amazing as I have yet to personally experience this, but have any of you experienced sleep texting before, either by being the person doing the texting, or the person receiving the text?

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