All right, I will be the first to admit that I find it rather difficult to believe that spending time in a chair which claims to be able to let you exercise in it would eventually help you achieve your health goals. Ah well, perhaps I will be swayed once I have tried it out for myself. Researchers over at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits decided to take the lazy chair and come up with something that is entirely opposite in nature and ethos, calling their new advanced armchair the GEWOS which is capable of keeping track of vitals, weight, and even transform into a rowing machine. Just what does GEWOS stand for? “GEsund WOhnen mit Stil”, which happens to be German for “Healthy Living in Style”.

The GEWOS will come with microsystem technology that has been integrated into the seats and armrests which will help monitor one’s health thanks to the right kind of software. Vital statistics such as pulse rate, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure and weight will be taken into consideration, and the software can cough up specific exercise plans for the user as and when required, while offering tips for sitting in a healthier position.

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