Folks living in the Great White North (otherwise known as Canada), here is cause for you to rejoice if you happen to be in possession of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. The reason? The Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update has just been introduced to the masses in that part of the world, where you will be able to make use of Samsung KIES to obtain the update, or to fall back on an Over The Air update. The providers who will offer the update would be Canada OPEN, Canada (SaskTel), Canada (Telus), Canada (Rogers) and Canada (Bell).

Just to recap, Android 4.1.2 will come with its fair share of new features, such as new additions in Notification Toggles, a customizable Notification Panel, a brightness slider that can be disabled in the Notification Panel, multi-view capability that can be turned off, a smoother browsing experience, and the lockscreen getting a new ink effect among others. If you happen to live in Canada, have you already gone ahead to download the operating system update, and how do you find it treating you so far?

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  • 1280x720
  • Super AMOLED
  • 267 PPI
8 MP
  • f/ Aperture
3100 mAh
    2GB RAM
    • Quad
    • MicroSD
    ~$175 - Amazon
    183 g
    Launched in
    Storage (GB)
    • 64