A new Apple patent application has been uncovered that could make it possible for iOS and Mac users to authenticate their identity without requiring the use passcodes, third-party software or blood samples in order to unlock their Apple product.
According to the patent, the user would be able to unlock their iOS device and Mac through image identification. The system would display an image to the user from their iPhoto or iCloud profiles to then ask the user to identify who or what the image is of in order to issue an unlock of the device. To add additional security, the user could order the system to display additional images, just in case whoever is trying to force their way into your device has beginner’s luck.
Identifying the images can also be done in a number of ways that include multiple choice to allow for one-tap entry, or displaying an on-screen keyboard (or actual keyboard for Mac) to require the user to enter an exact word in relation to the image to initiate an unlock.
Between the iPhone 5S’ rumored fingerprint scanner and this new security measure, you can be confident your iOS device will be completely free to anyone other than intended users being able to access it.