Just the other day alleged bumper cases for Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S4 were revealed, perhaps giving us a very, very rough idea of what the phone might look like. Now it looks like the folks at Mobile Fun have managed to get their hands on photos of some upcoming cases for the Galaxy S4 which supposedly came from a “trust Chinese accessory manufacturer”. While it’s hard to tell the dimensions from these cases, Mobile Fun seems to think that they could support a phone with a 5” display, which so happens to be one of the rumored specs of the Galaxy S4. Given that the HTC Butterfly and Sony Xperia Z both feature Full HD 5” displays, we wouldn’t be surprised if Samsung were to follow suit.
The case also reveals the placement of the camera, the flash unit as well as its rear speaker. This seems to be in line with the previously announced bumper case, although these cases seem to suggest a more rectangular-ish design, perhaps along the lines of the Galaxy S2. While these might be able to give us an idea of what to expect, it should be noted that sometimes case manufacturers get their facts wrong and instead rely on rumors to build their products. We’ve heard of manufacturers in the past who get screwed over when they attempted to predict the iPhone 4S (many thought it would be the iPhone 5 at that time), so there is a chance that this particular manufacturer could have their facts wrong as well. Either way hopefully we will know soon, assuming these rumors of a possible delay aren’t true.