A leaked PlayStation 4 prototype controller was leaked across the Internet yesterday, and today, we’re seeing an additional image of that controller pop up again today.
The leaked PlayStation 4 prototype controller that we’re seeing today looks more like the traditional DualShock controller all PlayStation owners have become accustomed to. Once again, there’s a touchpad towards the top of the face of the controller where the Start, Select and PlayStation button were originally located on the PlayStation 3’s DualShock controller. We also notice the grips of the controller look a little more slender than yesterday’s leak, which could just be due to the photo being taken at a different angle.
It’s being widely speculated Sony’s press event being held next week in New York City will debut the PlayStation 4. Unfortunately, you probably won’t be attending since it’s a media only event. The good news is we’ll be there and will pass along as much information as possible concerning the PlayStation 4, if it is in fact debuting next week.