RIM Reduces Pricing Tier For Apps On BlackBerry World

Just over the weekend after renaming its BlackBerry App World to the much simpler and bolder BlackBerry World, Research In Motion revealed plans of updating the pricing tier on its apps on the storefront. RIM says that it will first update the British Pound (GPB) and Euro (EUR) currencies, and that updates to other currencies will follow shortly. Citing the reason for the adjustment, RIM says that it wants to make sure that prices are in line with currency fluctuations and that its apps within BlackBerry World are competitive.
The change will be automatic and it will not impact the availability of your content items to customers, the company said in a blog post. So, what does this mean for users? Well, it means that apps will now be priced lower, thanks to the new BlackBerry 10 platform. For example, if the current lowest tier in U.K. is £1.00, the lowest tier once the changes are implemented will go down to as much as £0.75. If €0.99 is the current lowest tier in France, users can expect around €0.89 in the future.
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