Sony announced it would start accepting PayPal as a form of payment for its Sony Entertainment Network, or PSN for those of you who, like us, have yet to adopt the name change. The only downside we saw was the inability to add or edit your PayPal information directly through your PlayStation 3 or PS Vita, instead, users would have to go online to edit their PayPal information through the Sony Entertainment Network site.

Adopting PayPal as a payment option wasn’t the only bit of news Sony has prepared for this week as they announced today they have launched an online portal called the Sony Entertainment Network Online Store. In case you couldn’t tell by its mouthful of a name, you’ll now be able to do a bit of that online shopping to queue up downloads on your PS3 or PS Vita.

The online store offers everything you can expect from the PSN store on your PS3 and PS Vita. You’ll be able to browse the store’s games, videos and TV selection, which will certainly help the next time there’s an update and you absolutely don’t want to forget to queue up a demo, game or film.

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