Most robots are meant to be helpful to mankind, whether they are at the assembly line of a factory to help assemble a vehicle, or to spray paint a particular gadget before it is ready for mass release, or in the case of a sci-fi world, help repair our spacecraft and being the only hope of a certain princess while the galaxy is locked under the iron hand of an evil emperor. Well, in the case of Larry, it vomits. Yes, that is correct, Vomiting Larry is a special kind of robot which was specifically designed to project vomit up to 10 feet away, and it does so not because of a prank or anything of the sort, but rather, to make advancements in the field of science.
To put things in perspective, Vomiting Larry is a favorite among scientists at a British lab who are currently studying noroviruses, hoping that this will help them know more on how exactly a norovirus sufferer is able to spread it to other unsuspecting folks nearby. Apparently, when vomiting, tiny particles that hold the virus become aerosolized, letting it be infectious within a 10 feet radius. Better the norovirus than the T-Virus, I say.