2013 is just starting, which means many of you made some New Year’s resolutions across a number of categories like finding love, getting fit or learning something new every day. While it’s only January 3rd, we’re sure a number of you are already dreading another day of your New Year’s resolution and are thinking about going back to your old ways and trying again next year. Google doesn’t want you to give up, though, and is supplying its users with a tool to help keep their New Year’s resolution going strong.

Google launched an interactive resolutions map that allows users to submit their resolution across a number of categories. You have two options when visiting the site: submit your own resolution for the world to see while tagging your zip code and country, or you can sit back and witness all of the other resolutions people have submitted.

From our short time with the application, we saw a number of submissions for people who wanted to lose weight, find love and even some who wanted to become cancer-free this year. We’re sure if you have a resolution you’d want to stick to this year, this would be a great way to share it with the world and try to stick to it as best you can.

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