We’ve seen some impressive old-school video game controllers being used to play Android games, and today, we caught wind of another modification that uses the body of a Gameboy in order to play old-school games on a Galaxy Nexus.

Instructables user “alpinedelta” put together this mod as he wanted to play Nintendo emulators on his phone, but wasn’t a fan of the touch screen inputs. He didn’t just want to buy a commercial productthat would allow him to play games on his device, instead, he wanted to play his games on classic Nintendo hardware.

The modification combines the case of a Gameboy with the innards of a Wii remote to create a bluetooth controller that can be used on his Galaxy Nexus. The only issue he’s come across is the limit in the amount of buttons he can use to play games on any emulator that requires more than two buttons. So if you’re looking to play Street Fighter II or anything else that requires every button on its original controller, this mod probably isn’t the best idea for your gaming needs.

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