Amazon AutoRip Lets You Download MP3 Versions Of Your Purchased CDs For Free
Now that’s a turn up for the books. Amazon has just launched a new service called Amazon AutoRip, which basically lets Amazon customers download MP3 versions of their previous CD purchases for free. When we say “previous,” that means going back to the year 1998, when when Amazon first opened its Music Store. So, if you’ve bought a ton of CDs way back from the Music Store, consider your good old favorite songs converted into MP3 format and automatically added to your Cloud Player libraries, all for free. AutoRip also applies to future purchases.
Customers won’t have to wait for their ordered CDs to arrive in order to enjoy them. Around 50,000 albums with titles from every major record label are covered. Amazon will also be adding more titles moving forward and an AutoRip logo means that those titles are supported by the service. In case you are worrying about additional storage, Amazon says that all MP3s will be stored for free in Cloud Player libraries and will not count against Cloud Player storage limits. Quality-wise, all MP3s will be in high-quality 256 Kbps audio. AutoRip is the latest in a series of customer benefits.
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