Twitter logoNow here is something that you might want to take into consideration if you are an avid fan of social networks and all apps that have to do with helping you keep in touch with the masses, be it on your smartphone, desktop, tablet or notebook. Well, if there is something that you need to know about Twitter, it would be this – Twitter has now made available the option for you to download all of your tweets. Yes sir, this means you will be able to reflect on those times in your life when you tweeted some really silly stuff, and at other times, when you seemed to have something profound come out from your mouth (or fingers, in this case).

Just what are you going to do with your backlog of tweets? I suppose that corporate bodies would not mind having that feature, as they can keep track of all that has been said between them and folks who provided feedback. Well, the comic here at Joy of Tech certainly puts a humorous spin to it, and within context, too!

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