There must be a fair number of folks out there who are wondering just when will the first Android 4.1.2 updates for the Samsung Galaxy S2 arrive, and it seems that the waiting period will just have to continue. Samsung Sweden first reported in October earlier this year that Samsung will introduce this particular update for the Galaxy S2 in November, bumping the operating system version to Android 4.1.X along the way, before moving the date to December. Now that we are close to the tail end of December and the year, nothing concrete seems to be in sight, so the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update for the Samsung Galaxy S2 seems to be an indefinite thing at this point in time.

Perhaps Samsung is working to find workarounds discovered kinks and bugs, or they want to make sure that the whole world will get the right update without running into issues, who knows? All we as the end users can do would be to sit back and wait, and hope that good news will be released in due time.

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  • 800x480
  • Super AMOLED
  • 217 PPI
8 MP
  • f/2.6 Aperture
1650 mAh
    1GB RAM
    • Exynos 4210
    • MicroSD
    ~$ - Amazon
    116 g
    Launched in
    Storage (GB)
    • 32