What good is a mobile operating system if there aren’t any apps to support it? With iOS and Android boasting more than half a million apps each, that’s definitely a lot of choice that users have which could explain why those two platforms remain the top choice. While RIM’s Blackberry 10 operating system does appear to promising based on its native features alone, will there be enough apps to keep users interested? According to RIM’s CMO Frank Boulben, he has stated that users of Blackberry 10 can expect to have about 70,000 apps to choose from at the launch of the platform. While that is most definitely good news, will they be quality apps, and more importantly will these 70,000 apps consist of popular ones found on iOS and Android? We know that Facebook and Twitter will have apps for Blackberry 10, although WhatsApp appears to be passing on Blackberry 10, at least for now. We’ll keep our eyes peeled, but what do you guys think? Will 70,000 apps at launch be enough to attract users at the start?

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