RIM is pegged to launch Blackberry 10 towards the end of January in 2013, a platform which we’re sure many Blackberry fans are looking forward to, as well as the rest of the world who are curious as to whether RIM’s new platform will be able to help them regain their footing. The good news is that according to RIM, the Blackberry 10 SDK has gone gold, meaning this is the final version of the SDK that developers can expect before Blackberry 10 is unleashed upon the masses. What this means is that any apps that developers create with the gold version of the SDK is also expected to be able to work right out of the box with the commercial release of Blackberry 10. This timely announcement of the gold build of the SDK is also a sign that things appear to be on track and that there shouldn’t be any unnecessary delays. So, who’s excited for Blackberry 10? I know I am!
Filed in BlackBerry 10 and RIM.
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