Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Considered For PS3 Release

One of the more acclaimed RPGs (Role Playing Game) back in the 1990s on the PC platform was the Baldur’s Gate series, and it is safe to assume that no true fan of the genre has forgotten that name, in fact, reading this might actually cause you to fire up the game yet again to give it a go. There are certain quarters who have little or no regard for Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance titles for the PS2, as it has been considered by purists to be dumbed-down versions of the original PC classic(s), and those assumptions do have their merit.
Well, here we are with word that Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition was also given consideration to be released on the PS3 platform, according to DualShockers who picked off the Twitter feed of creative director Trent Oster, saying, “We talked with Sony about #BGEE for #PS3 In the end, the rework to keep the fun and fix the control / UI for console was just too much.” Perhaps these could be similar roadblocks that Blizzard are facing when it comes to porting Diablo 3 over to the console world.
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