There are accessories for our mobile devices that come in all shapes and sizes, and we’re pretty sure that you have seen accessories which plug the 3.5mm audio jack on our smartphones when not in need. These accessories come in a variety of designs, such as flowers, bows, cartoon characters and etc., but we think that this baseball cap accessory could be the cutest and possibly most functional accessory yet. Created by the folks at SUMNEEDS, the Line Cap is a plug for your audio jack that resembles a tiny baseball cap.
While it is most certainly very cute, it serves another purpose which is to help you manage your headphone cables when not in use. Some of us just wrap the cables around our phones when not in us, or even unplug them, and while both solutions are equally viable, they can lead to entanglement. What the Line Cap does is that the dome area of the “cap” can be inverted, allowing the cables to be wound underneath it before folding the dome back down, thus keeping your cables nicely looped and hidden. Priced at roughly $9.26, you can get it online via GMarket’s website.
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