In an alternate reality, the Finnish phone manufacturer Nokia remains undefeated as depicted in the video above – a spoof of Star Wars, called Phone Wars. It parodies Apple, Samsung, Nokia, and Disney Wars – wait a minute, I meant, Star Wars, all crammed into a video that is less than two minutes long. Star Wars fans will definitely have a fun time recognizing all the various references to the movie, and the ominous appearance of the “indestructible” Nokia 3310 (if you have been following memes, you would know just why this is one bad mofo) saw everyone else scampering away. Who did you think were winning at first, Samsung or Apple, before the Nokia 3310 arrived?
If you were the director of this particular movie, just what kind of characters would you have introduced into the fray? There was no mention of HTC or LG devices, perhaps these were the back up fleet for the Android camp. I guess BlackBerries have been relegated to being short and stout Ewoks who are basically useless unless equipped with some sticks and stones that they throw about, hoping to bring down a goliath of their times.
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