Nintendo Network ID Is Console Exclusive
The entire friend code thing from Nintendo did not really catch on where gamers are concerned, especially those who were rocking to the Nintendo Wii and the Nintendo DS in the past. Well, it is nice to know that Nintendo is going to do away with friend codes on their latest console, the Wii U, relying instead on Nintendo Network IDs to get the job of identifying yourself online done. The thing is, Nintendo Network IDs are tied to a single console, which can prove to be quite the thorny issue that gamers are experiencing at the moment. Not only that, an official Wii U FAQ confirms this precautionary feature, which is rather strange since the Wii U does sport a bunch of major first-party launch titles that are focused on cooperative play.
In a nutshell, you are unable to log into your Nintendo Network Account on a different console, meaning it can only be used on the very same console where it was created. However, the future will be different, as Nintendo promised that “you will be able to use your Nintendo Network Account with future Nintendo consoles and other devices, such as PC’s.” The Wii U supports up to a dozen individual Nintendo Network ID’s per console at the moment, so live and let live for the moment.
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