For every gift sold, Apple and Starbucks will contribute 5 percent of the purchase price to the Global Fund to help deliver an AIDS free generation by year 2015. You can make the 30-dollar purchase here. Additionally, Apple is also donating a small percentage of its sales from its (PRODUCT)RED merchandise. Products from its (PRODUCT)RED merchandise include the iPod shuffle, iPod nano, iPod touch, and other accessories. Get them here.
The numbers don’t lie: Every day more than 900 babies are born with HIV. By 2015 that number can be nearly zero. (RED) works with companies like Apple to fight for an AIDS-free generation by 2015 by creating (PRODUCT) RED merchandise. A percentage of gross profits from the sale of those products goes to the Global Fund to help fund AIDS programs in Africa. Since its introduction, (PRODUCT) RED has generated more than $190 million — more than $50 million from Apple alone — for the Global Fund. Now you can make an impact, too, by purchasing a (PRODUCT) RED iPod shuffle, iPod nano, iPod touch, iPad Smart Cover, iPad Smart Case, or iPhone Bumper.