Angry Birds Space updated with 10 new levels

While we’re sure that some of you guys are eagerly waiting to see what Angry Birds Star Wars will be bringing to the table, perhaps you might want to satisfy your cravings by playing a little Angry Birds Space. If you’ve already completed the game and managed to nab the maximum number of stars or points for each level, you might be interested to learn that the game has been recently updated. The latest update for the game will introduce the Red Planet which will include 10 new levels, with the ultimate goal of the mission being that you will need to rescue the Mars Curiosity Rover which has been commandeered by none other than the pigs. There will be secret levels that gamers can unlock and if gamers manage to achieve a 100% rating on all the planets in the game, five space eagle bonus levels will become playable. The update will be available for both iOS and Android devices, so head on over to the iTunes App Store or the Google Play store for the update.
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