Does Google know something about the Mayan prophecy that we do not know of? Perhaps, or it could very well be an oversight or a deliberate and cheeky prank – it seems that the latest Android 4.2 Jelly Bean operating system update has decided to skip Christmas. Yes sir, the Daily Social reported that December has been omitted from the People app, while it remains on the calendar app and other features. The People app, as it is, remains at the center of the mobile operating system’s social experience, so if you were to take it into context, the birthdays of birthdays as well as Christmas events will not show up on folks running the latest update.

Good to know that this will not be too large a problem, since Android 4.2 Jelly Bean has just hit a bunch of Nexus devices to date, so you can be sure that the adoption rate is far from high, and only a small percentage of Android users will be miffed that Christmas is computationally missing from their respective smartphones. Hopefully Google will release a software fix – within this month, obviously.

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