There is nothing quite like the cheekiness of programmers whenever they include some sort of Easter Eggs into the software which has already shipped out. For those who are curious to know, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean also has its fair share of Easter Eggs, and a recently discovered one is known as Daydream, where it functions as a screensaver for your Android-powered smartphone or tablet. This particular Easter Egg is triggered whenever you set your device to charge, or decide to place it in a dock. In order to unlock the new Daydream, you will need to unlock Google’s standard Android Easter Eggs first – by going to Settings > About device and tapping repeatedly on the Android version number.

The new Daydream will be unlocked afterwards, where your device will then display floating jelly beans whenever it is charging or docked. Not only that, the new Daydream is interactive this time around, allowing you to fling some beans around. Perhaps they could tie in with Rovio in the future and let us fling some beans at Angry Birds?

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