If you own an international Samsung Galaxy S2 (GT-I9100), you might be pleased to know that a leaked Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean ROM has made its way onto the internet, and based on the feedback of those who have flashed it, this build appears to be pretty stable which could be an indication that Samsung could be close to rolling it out to the masses. As expected, this ROM will bring the same features and experience that one might be able to expect from Jelly Bean, which means that users can look forward to Project Butter along with a host of other features. This ROM does contain minor bugs according to some, but then again that’s more or less to be expected. In any case this will require you to know how to flash ROMs onto your phone, so if you are unfamiliar perhaps you should give this a miss until the official update has been rolled out, or you could always go ahead and do your homework before proceeding. The ROM and the flashing instructions can be found here and as always, proceed with caution!

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  • 800x480
  • Super AMOLED
  • 217 PPI
8 MP
  • f/2.6 Aperture
1650 mAh
    1GB RAM
    • Exynos 4210
    • MicroSD
    ~$ - Amazon
    116 g
    Launched in
    Storage (GB)
    • 32