Nintendo, dating back to the Nintendo 64, loves to re-release systems with different colors to boost sales. Often, these colors are solid, and aren’t a really great reason to get another system that you already own. But currently, Nintendo only sells two versions of its flagship portable system, the Nintendo 3DS XL. Right now, Americans are stuck with bright blue or bright red, and they’re kinda ugly. That could be changing soon. Nintendo announced today that they were expanding the 3DS line to include 5 new colors, including an all-black-everything model that’s very handsome. In addition to the new colors, there will be three patterned 3DS XLs. One has a dots-and-fruit patter, and it comes as part of a Animal Crossing bundle. Europe’s getting a bright yellow 3DS with Pikáchu emblazoned on it, in addition to a 3DS that comes with Mario Kart 7 pre-installed. Perhaps the most exciting announcement is the 3DS that comes with the Super Mario Bros. 2 Pack, which simply screams luxury with its patterned iconic question mark boxes, coins and mushrooms. Hey, Nintendo, if the whole Wii U thing doesn’t work out, I’d love to see you take Louis Vuitton on.

Since the 3DS is region locked, and these consoles have only been announced for Japan, we’ll have to wait to see if they come stateside.

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