Good news gamers, if you’ve always wanted to play Left 4 Dead 2 but didn’t really feel like spending the money to buy it, Valve has announced via the Left 4 Dead blog that come this weekend, Left 4 Dead 2 will be free to play! Players will be able to get their hands on the game for free and enjoy a zombiefest over the weekend, although come Monday, that’s when the free to play offer will end. As for existing players who might feel a bit “cheated” by this, Valve has created an achievement called Good Guy Nick, which has been described as “Plays games with free weekend players and helps them survive a campaign.” In any case if you’d like to download the game and install it before the weekend, head on over to this link (NOTE: Will launch the Steam client, so you might have to download Steam if you do not have it installed yet) to do so.

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