Hurricane Sandy does look set to be a big one, which is why some companies have taken precautions for tomorrow, including Google, who has canceled their Android event in New York City. Wall Street will continue operating as normal, but we do believe that most investors would prefer to stay on the sidelines. Last Friday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency because of Hurricane Sandy, and since Google’s Android event had its location at a waterfront pier, it makes perfect sense to cancel it. Google’s statement about Monday’s Android event reads as follows :-

We are canceling our Monday morning event in New York due to Hurricane Sandy. We will let you know our plans as soon as we know more.

Bummer, right? I know that many of us are looking forward to the release of the new Nexus devices, in addition to perhaps Android 4.2, but I guess preservation of life is a whole lot more important than some gizmos.

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