Free digital textbooks in California
It seems that the cost of living is rising everywhere you turn – gas, education, medical care, the works! All but your salary, and when it comes to education, college students will be able to identify with the fact that they spend thousands of dollars on textbooks which will only be used for a few months, or just several semesters. The state of California has decided to ease the financial burden on college students by making available select textbooks in the form of free e-books.
California Governor Jerry Brown signed a law that will enable students to access 50 digital textbooks which are mandatory for lower level classes at the University of California, California State University, and in the California Community College curriculum. For those who still prefer a physical copy of the textbook to doodle in, one is able to purchase it for just $20. The digital textbooks will not be made available just yet, as the masterplan is to roll them out by the time the 2013-2014 school year begins. We are all for such a law – how about you?
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