We’re sure that many PlayStation 3 gamers are still waiting on the Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC to arrive on their console, although based on the comments we’ve received so far, it seems that a good many have given up as well. Unfortunately if you were hoping for good news, you might be disappointed as Bethesda’s Pete Hines has announced via his Twitter that Skyrim DLCs for the PlayStation 3 – Dawnguard and the recently released Hearthfire – are still a no-go. He does not have any new information to share with us at the moment although the good news is that they are still working on it. This is despite previous reports which have suggested that Dawnguard and Hearthfire may never arrive on the PlayStation 3. We guess it’s good of Pete Hines to keep fans and gamers informed even though there wasn’t any good news to share. In any case we’ll keep our eyes peeled for Dawnguard and/or Hearthfire updates for the PlayStation 3, so check back with us at a later date where hopefully we will have some good news to share with you guys.

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