Raise the alarms! Hackers have successfully nicked credit card information that belonged to customers who shopped as recently as last month at 63 Barnes & Noble stores throughout the US, where some of the more notable stores include those in New York City, San Diego, Miami and Chicago. Sad to say, this credit card data theft was discovered by Barnes & Noble sometime in the middle of September, but they decided to keep quiet about it so that the F.B.I. were able to determine, or at least investigate further as to the culprits behind this digital theft.
Basically, hackers who broke into the keypads in front of registers which were used by customers to swipe their credit cards followed by entering their personal identification numbers (PINs) managed to scoot away with such information, and Barnes & Noble has alerted customers who shopped at any of the 63 Barnes & Noble using their credit card to change their PINs, while making sure their accounts do not have any unauthorized transactions. Makes you wish we were back in the days when the barter trade flourished, no?