Staff at Apple’s Parisian stores reportedly threatening to strike, could delay the iPhone 5 for some

Apple’s iPhone 5 will be launching in a matter of days but it seems that for those living in Paris, France and who did not pre-order the device, there is a slight chance that you might be out of luck if you were hoping to pick it up from any of the two Apple stores in Paris. According to reports, workers at both of Apple’s Parisian stores have threatened to go on strike if their demands are not met. This includes an increase in pay, a water fountain and lunch vouchers. It might seem a little odd but apparently one of the stores is located in an expensive part of the city which could explain why workers might want to be compensated for their meals at the very least. Negotiations with Apple were reportedly underway since July but we guess both sides did not reach an agreement. Will their demands be met in time for the iPhone 5 queues? We guess we will have to wait and see!

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