So we know that both Sony and Bethesda are hard at work trying to get Skyrim: Dawnguard to work on the PlayStation 3. It’s rather unfortunate given that Hearthfire has already been released but PlayStation 3 owners have yet to play the first Skyrim DLC. That being said, it seems that the work being done on the PlayStation 3 version is still going on and it does not appear that we might be seeing it anytime soon. According to Bethesda’s Pete Hines via Twitter, he revealed that this was not a situation where the status is expected to change “soon” and there is no quick or easy solution to it. It certainly does not bode well for PlayStation 3 gamers, but what do you guys think? Are you hoping that Bethesda and Sony work something out eventually, or have you given up on Dawnguard for the PlayStation 3 entirely?

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