A number of new social networks have cropped up in the recent past as the social media takes the stage on the web. With the wild success of Facebook, many had deemed the online social networks to be the future of the web.
For now, Facebook clearly is the dominant giant in the social network space. However, a number of new social networks are trying to find a small, relevant space where they could fit in. The latest on the list is Rootsy, a private, family-focused network.
It is a project launched by the QLabs, a part of AOL, and intends to provide an online space where users can kind of build their family trees. The idea is to create a family tree and then keep adding content such as video and images to each of the members of the family.
According to the co-founder of Rootsy, Cezary Pietrzak, “The way Facebook is at this point, is that people are almost crafting an image of themselves that doesn’t exactly match up the reality.” Pietrzak says this in reference to the hundreds of ‘friends’ that people have on their Facebook profiles.
In contrast, Rootsy aims to give online networking a dash of reality by keeping it confined to family members. Pietrzak believes that engaging with each other through a network such as Rootsy can help family members connect with each other more meaningfully.
Filed in Social Network.
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