This might not be the droid that you are looking for, but it definitely is the luggage that you have been waiting all your life – ever since R2-D2 made its appearance back in the 1970s with the debut of Star Wars, enthralling the imagination of geeks and non-geeks worldwide in a grand space opera conjured by a very young George Lucas back then. Since then, we have seen our fair share of R2-D2 incarnations which appeal to the geek demographic, but Salvador Bachiller might be on to a winner here with his €95 R2-D2 luggage that has rollers at the bottom so that you can drag it along the next time you step into your Imperial Shuttle, er, Airbus A380.

Of course, it would be cooler if the relevant electronics that are smart enough could be incorporated into the R2-D2 luggage here, allowing it to follow you around like the tootin’ astromech droid that it was in the movies. Still, I am quite sure that hard core Star Wars fans would find this particular R2-D2 luggage a must buy, never mind what the missus has to say about it.

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