Pulse heart rate monitor is a thing of beauty

When it comes to medical devices such as hearing aids and heart rate monitors, most folks who use them would prefer a more discreet design, although some folks do not mind the world to know that they are wearing one. For folks who are not too comfortable divulging their medical condition to the general public, or want a trendy looking heart rate monitor during your workouts, the Pulse heart rate monitor will consist of a ring as well as an iPhone app which will work in tandem in order to keep track of your beating heart.
Pulse is the brainchild of Electricfoxy, where this concept will measure your pulse. It looks great, glowing in one of three colors to let you know whether you are in, above or below your target heart rate, and will also be able to vibrate in order to warn you whenever you are working out too hard. Not only that, the iPhone app that comes along with it will be able to show a secondary level of workout detail.
“Tracking and using your body data doesn’t have to be clinical, it can be beautiful and part of your lifestyle. I wear the ring while working out and while at work,” says Darmour.
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