Researchers over at LG Chem might be on to something here (yes, they are a subsidiary of LG, the South Korean consumer electronics giant), and are said to be one of the largest chemical companies in the world, now how about that? Just what kind of sorcery have they managed to achieve this time around? We are talking about a new kind of battery which comes in a wire-like form factor. I am quite sure that upon hearing this, your mind must be conjuring up whatever kind of future devices that can be developed, knowing that such a battery exists.

Since it is flexible in nature, measuring a few millimeters in diameter, do not think that this wire-like battery is some sort of pansy material – it is rugged enough to be wound into tight radii, and if the situation calls for it, to be tied into knots. Obviously, future iterations of this battery would require it to go through the miniaturization process. Initial battery tests have proved to be nothing short of impressive – an iPod nano could run for up to 10 hours of non-stop playback using a 25cm long battery.

Imagine weaving such a battery into textiles, where crazy clothing designs in the future could be an everyday reality.

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