The irony of it all. Do you remember the Goophone I5 that we talked about just a week ago? Yes sir, the iPhone 5-inspired design (touted as so by many who have seen it, never mind the fact that the iPhone 5 would not be due for an announcement until sometime later this week if speculation is correct), Android-powered device from a hardware manufacturer in China is back to make more waves on news headlines, this time round “threatening” Apple that they will sue Apple should the iPhone 5 be released in China.
Just what kind of heavy hitting machinery do they have to back up this threat? Well, the company behind the Goophone I5 is said to own the patent of the Goophone I5 in China itself, hence should Apple intend to make any headway in that part of the world, they will have to – I don’t know, purchase some sort of licensing fee unless Apple wants to get sued if the threat goes through? It is all touch and go at the moment, and I think the onus is on the company to make sure they follow through with such a threat when the iPhone 5 inevitably arrives at the world’s factory.