Google has teamed up with Boingo Wireless to deliver a brand new promotion for the masses, especially those who have data-hungry devices and yet do not want to subscribe to a monthly data plan due to other financial commitments that require more attention from your wallet. Well, this partnership has resulted in a new promotion that makes available free Wi-Fi hotspots to the masses.

Originally, both companies promoted a deal which saw Google Offers customers be on the receiving end of free Internet access at over 250 locations, but it seems that the offer is back and with a vengeance to boot, where the same service can be accessed from more than 4,000 locations throughout the US thanks to Google Play sponsoring these hotspots. This offer will be available until the end of this month. Do you think that it is always better to just fork out a wee bit more money for a monthly data plan so that you need not be at the mercies of such promotions?

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