If you’ve ever wondered just how popular the free-to-play model has become, new data from Ipsos Media CT and ISFE has suggested that free-to-play games have accounted for half of the European games market in the last 12 months, a pretty impressive figure we have to admit! According to their definition of half the market, it means that free-to-play games accounted for 50% of titles acquired during that 12 month period.

For those unfamiliar with the free-to-play model, it’s basically where the game itself is offered for free. Instead the developer makes money by charging gamers for micro-transactions that are either purely cosmetic or are needed if gamers want to advance to the next level. Personally I’d rather buy a game right off than having to pay for micro-transactions, but as we can see from this data, not everyone feels the same way. What about you guys? Do you prefer the free-to-play model or would you rather just pay a one-off fee?

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