Bad Piggies is set on Piggy Island (how imaginative), where the Bad Piggies are hungry for more eggs. They will require your help in constructing the ultimate flying machine, steering it safely to their destination as they indulge in cholesterol laden eggs. Why not just start a chicken farm? I guess there is not much fun in that. Are you going to spend the next few days trying out all 60 plus levels with free updates for Bad Piggies in tow? It would be cool that Bad Piggies get the equivalent of a Mighty Eagle, and all I can think of right now is a Hulk cameo that smashes everything in his path.
Petri Järvilehto, EVP of Games, said, “We’ve never done anything like this. Where Angry Birds was all about destruction, Bad Piggies is all about the joy of construction. It’s not just about getting three stars — in this game, failing is almost as much fun as succeeding!” [Press Release]